1. To Have or Have Not: At the library

This survey is to gather your feedback on what sorts of amenities are important to include in the new Crested Butte South Library.

Question Title

* 1. What would you use the Crested Butte South Library for? (Check all that apply.)

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* 2. When would you use the CB South Library? (Check all that apply.)

For questions #3 through #15, please tell us if you think the following amenities are must-have, nice to have, or nonessential for the CB South Library.

Question Title

* 3. Meeting room (4–8 people)

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* 4. Large meeting room (12–24 people)

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* 5. Community room with kitchen (100–150 people)

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* 6. Open table work spaces

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* 7. Maker space / community workshop

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* 8. Affordable housing nearby

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* 9. Children's space for indoor play

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* 10. Dedicated teen area

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* 11. Outdoor community space

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* 12. Audiovisual/presentation technology

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* 13. Office equipment for public use (copier/printer/scanner)

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* 14. Physical collections

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* 15. Anything else that would be a must-have or nice to have?

The 3 Whys
Choose your top 3 Must-Haves and ask yourself why each one is a must-have. Then ask yourself why you wrote that response. Then repeat that step one more time, for a total of 3 whys – hopefully getting more specific each time.

Question Title

* 16. Your #1 Must-Have

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* 17. Your #2 Must-Have

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* 18. Your #3 Must-Have

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* 19. Any additional comments?

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50% of survey complete.