1. To Have or Have Not: At affordable housing

The Crested Butte South Library project may also include a new affordable housing development near the library. This survey is to gather your feedback on what sorts of amenities are important to have in/at affordable housing. (Affordable housing at the library would be deed-restricted so that rents do not cost more than a certain percentage of the Area Median Income.)

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship with affordable housing in the Gunnison Valley? (Check all that apply.)

For questions #2 through #13, please tell us if you think the following amenities are must-have, nice to have, or nonessential to have in/at a new affordable housing development near the library.

Question Title

* 2. One-bedroom apartments

Question Title

* 3. Two-bedroom apartments

Question Title

* 4. Three-bedroom apartments

Question Title

* 5. Front porches

Question Title

* 6. Decks/balconies

Question Title

* 7. Kitchen islands

Question Title

* 8. Outdoor gear storage

Question Title

* 9. Parking that is separate from library parking

Question Title

* 10. Sheltered parking

Question Title

* 11. EV (electric vehicle) charging

Question Title

* 12. Shared gardens

Question Title

* 13. In-unit laundry

Question Title

* 14. Anything else that would be a must-have or nice to have?

The 3 Whys
Choose your top 3 Must-Haves and ask yourself why each one is a must-have. Then ask yourself why you wrote that response. Then repeat that step one more time, for a total of 3 whys – hopefully getting more specific each time.

Question Title

* 15. Your #1 Must-Have

Question Title

* 16. Your #2 Must-Have

Question Title

* 17. Your #3 Must-Have

Question Title

* 18. Any additional comments?

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100% of survey complete.