Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!
To enter our $50 prize drawing please provide us with your name and email address. This information will be used to contact the winner. Your email will not be added to any Listserv or E-Newsletter. 

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. What is the best way to reach you with information about 10 Cents a Meal?

Question Title

* 4. If you answered "Other Email Listervs" please specify which Listserv reaches you with information about 10 Cents a Meal.

Question Title

* 5. If you answered "Professional Publication" please specify what professional publication reaches you with information about 10 Cents a Meal.

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following materials have you used to educate yourself or others about 10 Cents a Meal? Check all that apply
(Many of these materials can be found at, typically on the "tools" pages. Feel free to visit for a refresher.)

  Reviewed Yourself Shared with Others
10 Cents a Meal Full Legislative Reports
10 Cents a Meal Prosperity Region Sheets-Legislative Report
10 Cents a Meal Overview Sheet-Legislative Report
10 Cents a Meal Overview-Infographic Format
10 Cents a Meal Grant Application Guide
10 Cents a Meal Grantee Certificate
10 Cents a Meal’s Webinar for Food Service Directors
10 Cents a Meal’s Webinar for Educators & Administrators
10 Cents a Meal’s Success Stories Webpage
10 Cents a Meal’s Tools for Schools Webpage
10 Cents a Meal’s Tools for Communities Webpage
10 Cents a Meal’s Tools for Farmers Webpage
Agricultural Impact One-pager
10 Cents a Meal’s Get Involved Webpage
10 Cents a Meal Presentations
1-on-1 Assistance through the Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities Website Guide One-pager
10 Cents a Meal Outreach One-pager
10 Cents a Meal’s Supporters Guide
Early Child Care One-pager
10 Cents a Meal E-Newsletters
Groundwork Center E-Newsletters
Michigan Department of Education Press Releases
10 Cents a Meal Facebook posts
Advocacy Alerts & Specific "Asks" of the Legislature or Governor
Sharing at 10 Cents network meetings
10 Cents Outreach from 2019 Partner Detroit Food Policy Council
10 Cents Outreach from 2019 Partner Taste the Local Difference
None of the Above

Question Title

* 7. What is the top thing that you would share with someone about 10 Cents a Meal?

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* 8. In the past year what actions have you taken to promote 10 Cents a Meal in your community? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 9. If you answered "Shared other 10 Cents a Meal Information" for the previous question. Who did you share 10 Cents a Meal information with? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 10. What successes have you seen from your actions aimed at promoting, or implementing 10 Cents a Meal?

Question Title

* 11. In the past year what challenges have you faced surrounding 10 Cents a Meal?

Question Title

* 12. Are there any resources or tools you would like to see 10 Cents a Meal provide, or improve upon?

Question Title

* 13. In what Michigan county/counties do you work to promote 10 Cents a Meal? Check all that apply

Question Title

* 14. As a 10 Cents a Meal Stakeholder, what role most accurately portrays you?