
Thank you for your interest in CoramBAAF's private fostering survey
This survey should be completed by someone who has access to data about private fostering notifications and arrangements within your local authority. Please either complete the survey yourself, or share the link with the manager who is responsible for private fostering in your area, before Friday 19 July 2024.

Why are CoramBAAF doing a private fostering survey?

The Department of Education stopped collection of any data about private fostering in 2015 and therefore the number of children who are privately fostered is not known. CoramBAAF would like to support a better understanding of this often hidden group of children, by asking our members about private fostering in their local authority. We know from our discussions with private fostering practitioners that numbers vary around the country, and understanding this better will also help raise awareness.

What will we do with the information?
We will collate the information into a report that will be published on our website and shared during Private Fostering Awareness Day on 6 November 2024.

We will not share any information that would identify specific local authorities or families. We will ask the Department of Education to read and comment on the report.

You can find out more about how we process and protect your data in the Privacy Notice on our website.

What are we asking?
We have intentionally kept our questions simple. We hope they are linked to data that local authorities already gather for their own internal recording and reporting purposes and therefore will not be too onerous.

Closing date - 19 July 2024
The survey will be closed at 5pm on Friday 19 July 2024.