CBLC Survey Please help us learn more about the impact of the Center for Black Literature and Culture (CBLC) by taking a few minutes to answer the below questions. Question Title * 1. What encouraged you to make your first visit to the CBLC? I have never been to the CBLC Materials for checkout Programs Events (e.g. CBLC Annual Anniversary Celebration, etc.) Murals for Justice collection Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How many CBLC programs have you attended? Question Title * 3. Have you ever checked out any CBLC materials? Yes No Question Title * 4. Have you visited the new CBLC website (https://cblc.indypl.org)? Yes No Question Title * 5. Please select the community needs being met by the CBLC (select all that apply): Access to Black literature Educational Programming Health Information Conversations about social justice Exposure to Black authors Source of community information and events Black cultural arts and displays Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. In a couple sentences, could you describe the impact the CBLC has had on you as an individual? Question Title * 7. In a couple sentences, could you describe the impact the CBLC has had on the community? Question Title * 8. What could the CBLC do to increase its community impact? Question Title * 9. What have you learned about Black culture from the CBLC that you didn’t know before visiting? Question Title * 10. Are there any authors or speakers you would like to see in the CBLC? Question Title * 11. What would make you more likely to engage the CBLC (select all that apply)? More awareness of programs More awareness of available CBLC materials Programs/Discussions about being a Black community ally Programs sponsored by the CBLC held at other IndyPL locations Bringing in more/specific authors and/or speakers Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. If you are interested in becoming a Librarian, please provide your name: Question Title * 13. If you are interested in becoming a Librarian, please provide your email address: The following voluntary demographic questions help us ensure we are serving all in the Indianapolis community. Your responses would be greatly appreciated. Question Title * 14. Please select the race/ethnicity you most identify with: Asian American Indian/Native American Black/African American Latinx/Hispanic Multi-racial/Bi-racial White Prefer to self-describe: Question Title * 15. Age: Question Title * 16. Gender: Female Male Prefer to self-describe. Done