CBL Talk Registration: Living Wage Study 2022 Report

Friday, April 14 @ 3 PM 
Moskowitz Theater, The University of Scranton

This CBL Talk will feature Julie Schumacher Cohen, The University of Scranton and Meghan Loftus, Friends of the Poor Scranton. The presentation will highlight the Living Wage Report 2022, including key findings of the study and its recommendations related to what constitutes a living wage in NEPA and issues related to economic justice, racial disparities, and public policy action through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. The presentation will include remarks by university partner and alumna Meghan Loftus of Friends of the Poor discussing their agency perspective around the realities of poverty and the need for systemic change. 

Questions? Please email community@scranton.edu 

This event is a collaboration of the Office of Community-Based Learning with the Office of Community Relations, the PCPS Dean's Office, and is co-sponsored by Ellacuría Initiative and the Center for Ethics and Excellence in Public Service.

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