Exit CBAW Programming Survey for Women Veterans Thank you so much for your participation in this survey. CBAW is excited to offer a program specific for women veterans. It will be a virtual program offered through Zoom once or twice a month. We need your feedback to help us plan a program that works around your schedule. Our best wishes to each of you.Ashy PalliparambilDirector of Programs, Community Building Art Workshttps://communitybuildingartworks.org/ ashy@cbaw.org Question Title * 1. Where will you joining this virtual workshop from? City/Town State/Province Country Question Title * 2. What day of the week are you most available to participate in this program? Select ALL that apply. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What time of day are you most available to participate in this program? (Please note time frames listed below are EST - Select ALL that Apply.) Morning (10am - 12pm EST) Early Afternoon (12pm - 2pm EST) Late Afternoon (2pm - 4pm EST) Early Evening (5pm-7pm EST) Late Evening (7pm-8pm EST) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Are there any topics you would like to see covered? Or are there any types of programs you'd like to see offered? Question Title * 5. Do you have any other feedback or comments? Done