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* 1. Which category best describes you?

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* 2. Please provide some general information.

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* 3. How many Climate Action events or activities did your school/campus/group run during Climate Action Week? (14th-20th October 2024)

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* 4. How many people were involved in the set up or organisation of your Climate Action Week events/activities?

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* 5. How many people attended or were engaged in your Climate Action events/activities?

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* 6. How many people made a #ClimatePledge at your events/activities?

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* 7. How many Climate Communications did your school/campus/group make before, during and after your Climate Action Day? i.e. announcements, website/magazine, social media, local newspaper, radio station etc.

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* 8. How many people were potentially reached by all of your Climate Communications added together? i.e. how many could have heard the announcement, read the magazine, followers on social media or listenership of the local radio station.

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* 9. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your Climate Action Day? If you have any suggestions on how to improve Climate Action Week, please use this space. Your thoughts, experience and knowledge are very important to us.

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* 10. Would you like to be entered into the free #ClimateActionWeek prize draw for your school, campus or community group?