An employee satisfaction survey is used to measure how you feel about your job and your work environment. This survey is completely anonymous as such we encourage you to be as candid and honest as possible in your responses.

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* 1. To what extent do you enjoy working with your colleagues?

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* 2. Do you feel your colleagues work as a team?

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* 3. Do you feel valued by the company for your contributions?

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* 4. Do you feel the company is open to change?

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* 5. How well does the company communicate news and important information?

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* 6. How satisfied are you working for the company?

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* 7. When problems arise, how well does the company handle them?

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* 8. How happy are you at work?

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* 9. Do you have the materials and equipment you need to do your job well?

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* 10. Do you find your workload reasonable?

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* 11. Do you think that work is distributed evenly across your team?

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* 12. Would you recommend our company to friends and family?

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* 13. How likely is it that would you apply for your job again if you had to do it all over?

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* 14. Do you feel like all of your talents are being used in your position?

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* 15. Does your job cause you stress?

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* 16. Do you feel the company offers adequate opportunities for promotions and career development?

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* 17. Do you see a path at the company to advance your career?

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* 18. Do you feel that you are growing professionally?

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* 19. Do you get the learning and development opportunities that you want?

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* 20. How often does your manager ask for feedback and value when it’s offered?

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* 21. Does your direct manager value your opinions?

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* 22. Do you feel like your roles and efforts are appreciated by your supervisors?

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* 23. Does management seem invested in the team’s success?

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* 24. Do you feel management is transparent?

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* 25. Do you feel your benefits package is competitive?

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* 26. Does the company provide enough benefits when it comes to your well-being and mental health?

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* 27. Is your pay rate enough to keep you from taking a second job?

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* 28. How much would you like to change about your current benefits package?

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* 29. What recommendations do you have to improve your level of satisfaction with the company.

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* 30. Do you feel valued by the company for your contributions?