12th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase 2024

The CARLI Instruction Committee is seeking presentation proposals for the 12th annual Instruction Showcase, to be held virtually on Tuesday, June 18th.

CARLI members and Illinois LIS students are welcome to submit proposals on all library instruction topics, and are encouraged to draw inspiration from the committee's theme this year: New Directions and New Users.

Submission Timeline
  • Proposals due Monday, March 18th by 5pm Central Time
  • Submissions will be reviewed by the CARLI Instruction Committee week of March 28th
  • Submitters will be notified by April 5th.
The committee is seeking proposals for topics in the following areas:
  • New Directions in Technology
  • Lesson Plans for New Users
  • Case Studies of New Collaborations
All proposals should be a maximum of 250 words. Proposers may submit supplementary materials such as associated links or resources.

Proposers will also be asked to indicate their preferred length of time for their presentation:
  • 5 minute lightning talk with 5 minute q&a
  • 20 minute presentation including q&a
  • 20 minute presentation AND 20 minute minute guided participant workshop on their proposed topic
New Directions in Technology
Presenters are invited to share a new use of technology in library instruction. The definition of “technology” is broad, and can include as examples a particular tool used in the classroom, online course or a digital learning object, or incorporating AI into library instruction.

Proposals should include the tool being used, how it was applied to instruction, and successes or challenges experienced while teaching. The proposal can include elements such as connections to the ACRL Framework or other pedagogical theories.

Lesson Plans for New Users
Tell us about a lesson plan you made for a population that is new, either because of shifting demographics or a new opportunity for engagement with a student population. Examples of “new” users could include student populations such as dual-credit, continuing education, trade schools, and English Learners. You might also focus on a new class offering, new student population, or users often not represented in presentations at other library conferences.

Proposals should include an overview of the lesson plan or learning activity and describe the target population. The proposal should include a lesson plan (template available), which includes elements such as learning objectives, intended audience, materials used, activities, assessment of student learning, and connections to the ACRL Framework or other pedagogical theories.

Case Studies of New Collaborations
Collaboration is key to developing successful library instruction sessions and programs. Presenters are invited to share a case study on how they fostered a partnership with students, faculty, academic units, or library colleagues, etc. beyond the scope of a single classroom instruction session. The focus should be on the full process of the collaboration, from start to finish.

Proposals should include the origin of the partnership, goals of the partnership, the outcome, what attendees can learn, and potential future directions.

Question Title

* 1. Session Type:

Question Title

* 2. Session Format/Length:

Question Title

* 3. Presenter(s) Name(s):

Question Title

* 5. Your Email Address(es):

Question Title

* 6. Please provide a title for your session.

Question Title

* 7. Please provide a short description (100-250 words) of your proposal for the Instruction Showcase.

  • Please include the intended audience as well as how/if the activity/material/technology can be adapted for different audiences or institutions.
  • Please include any links to appropriate resources.
  • To submit a file along with your proposal, please send an email to our private Box folder: Technic.0z8yh7lelsoh8m2r@u.box.com - Please name your file with the format: "ShowcaseYourName"

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the CARLI Instruction Committee's online Instruction Showcase on June 18, 2024!