The Future of CAPIO

Thank you for taking part in our membership survey. Your feedback helps us plan ways to better meet the needs of our membership to develop and advance as communications professionals. We greatly appreciate your participation!

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* 1. Overall, how satisfied are you with our organization?

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* 2. How long have you been a member of our organization?

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* 3. Which CAPIO Region are you in?

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* 4. How does the price of membership compare with the value that you derive?

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* 5. Would you recommend CAPIO to a colleague?

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* 6. Have you participated on one of our committees?

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* 7. If not, would you like information about involvement in our committees? (Conference Committee, Emergency Communications Academy, Communications Committee, Regional/County Leads)

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* 8. Are you interested in being a board member?

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* 9. Have you used any of the members-only resources?

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* 10. What other resources would you like to see under the members-only area of the website?

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* 11. Tell us about your awareness of CAPIO Professional Development programs:

  Aware Not Aware Current or Past Participant
J. Lindsey Wolf PIO Institute (certification)
Accreditation in Public Relations (APR)
Mentoring Program
CAPIO Speaks Virtual Club
CAPIO Annual Conference
Emergency Communications Academy
CAPIO Leadership Summit

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* 12. Would you be interested in receiving further information about these programs?

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* 13. Overall, how satisfied have you been with CAPIO trainings?

Not Satisfied Very Satisfied
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 14. How many of our trainings/webinars have you attended in the past 12 months?

0 15 30
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. How far are you willing to travel for an in person workshop (typical workshops are 3 - 4 hours).

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* 16. What training topics are of most interest to you? (Check all that apply and list other topics below)

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* 17. What are your preferred methods for getting to know the other association members? (check all that apply)

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* 18. CAPIO has held periodic virtual regional meetings to connect regions.  How often would you like to see these offered?

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* 19. Would any of these meetings be of interest to you (Check all that Apply)

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* 20. How often do you read the CAPIO Communicator (useful tools and information) and CAPIO Corner (member news, events, job board)

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* 21. Please indicate to what extent you agree with the statements below about the CAPIO Publications.

  Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree
The publications are interesting.
The publications are relevant to my professional activities.
The publications add value to the Association membership.
The publications have too much content in it that it is hard to read in full.

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* 22. Please share any ideas you have to improve CAPIO Communicator or CAPIO Corner including content, format, distribution, or any other component of the publications.

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* 23. Which social media platforms do you use for work the most? (Pick two)

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* 24. Which groups have you joined?

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* 25. What other associations do you belong to? (Select all that apply)

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* 26. Are you aware of benefits from other professional associations that you’d like to see adopted by CAPIO?

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* 27. If you could pick just one thing, what do you find most valuable about CAPIO that would keep you engaged and active as a member?

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* 28. What type of agency do you work for?

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* 29. How many years of experience in government communications have you had?

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* 30. How long have you held your current position?

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* 31. Would you like to share anything else with us? Comments, feedback, ideas?  Thank you!

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* 32. Please provide your contact information (optional) to be entered into the drawing to receive prizes including upgrades to Professional+ Membership, CAPIO Swag Store Gear, or an Amazon Gift Card. (15 winners total!)