We (Researchers) need to know about the canola industry, so please help us to complete this survey. Thanks

Dear Canola Grower:
Thank you in advance for volunteering to participate in this survey. This survey will be used to develop better research projects that will help canola growers like you to decrease grain drying and storage costs. All collected data through this survey will be used anonymously. The survey will be published in a farm journal. If you have any concerns, please contact Dr. Fuji Jian, University of Manitoba, at Fuji.jian@umanitoba.ca.
There are 19 questions, which require approximately 10 to 20 minutes. You can save it in the middle and continue later.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your total harvested canola (in Bushels) in the last three years:

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* 2. Please tell us your total canola (in percentage) dried by using dryer (including high temperature drying and in-bin drying):

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* 3. Please input your total canola (in percentage) dried by using natural air drying:

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* 4. Please input your total canola (in percentage) managed by using aeration:

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* 5. Please tell us your bin type, size, and fan configuration:

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* 6. Please select the fuel type used for your canola drying:

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* 7. Is the electricity directly used for fan running (select yes or no)?

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* 8. What was the lowest temperature (°C) you have dried grain in the following years?

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* 9. Approximate drying cost in the past 3 years ($ CAD)?

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* 10. Average moisture content (wet basis in percentage) of canola at harvest?

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* 11. How many bushels of canola (in percentage) were turned or cored?

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* 12. Approximate amount of canola (in percentage) spoiled?

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* 13. Reason of the spoilage (Please mark the squares if yes)? This question is optional.

  2020 2021 2022
Due to hotspot
Due to insects
Due to disease
Due to snow or rain entering
Not enough storage capacity
Due to late harvesting

Question Title

* 14. What is the dockage percentage in your canola (based on your best estimation)? This question is optional.

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* 15. How many bushels of canola were harvested after the first snow?

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* 16. How many bushels of canola were stored in a silo bag?

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* 17. Please select your area/province.

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* 18. What are the most important issues that should be studied?

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* 19. Do you have any additional comments?