Survey Introduction & Description

The City of Jacksonville was awarded a $1 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop a regional Climate Action/Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reduction Plan for Northeast Florida by Summer 2025. This region includes Jacksonville, Duval, Clay, St. Johns, and Nassau counties, and the City of Palm Coast. The City of Jacksonville is working with NEFRC, regional cities, and counties to gather input through meetings, roundtables, a CPRG working group, and submissions via the website, email, and one-on-one meetings.

This survey seeks GHG reduction measures and strategies to help NE FL reduce emissions in the short term (by 2030) and long term (by 2050). GHG reduction measures can include projects (e.g., energy/water efficiency), programs (e.g., waste diversion, education), and policies (e.g., benchmarking, sustainable building ordinances). This survey targets entities that can implement these measures. Complete the survey thoroughly as incomplete responses may affect inclusion in the regional Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP). Download the PDF version to prepare your answers before starting the survey.

Per EPA’s grant requirements, the CCAP must include: a comprehensive GHG inventory, GHG emissions projections, reduction targets, quantified emissions for reduction measures, benefits analysis for low-income and disadvantaged communities, review of authority to implement, plans to leverage other funding, workforce planning analysis, outputs, outcomes, performance metrics, and robust stakeholder engagement. For full background on the CPRG program and timeline, visit and

Survey details:
  • Total questions: 34
  • Estimated time: 30-45 minutes
  • Sections:
    • Contact Information & Background (10 questions)
    • Baseline Information: Current and planned pollution reduction activities (13 questions)
    • Review of Best Practices from Other Cities & Regions (6 questions)
    • Other Resources & Next Steps (5 questions)
  • Priority deadline: August 9, 2024, 11:59 pm ET for ideas to be highlighted at the August 29th Kickoff & Sector Roundtable event.
  • Final deadline: November 22, 2024, 11:59 pm ET for final input.
For questions or more information, email, attend the Q&A virtual office hours on 7/24/24 1-2 pm ET and/or 8/8/24 9:30-10:30 am ET, or watch the recordings on the CANF website.

Question Title

* 1. Yes, I have read instructions and understand deadlines.