Survey Instructions

Thank you for participating in the competency validation survey for the CAHIIM Health Science Associate Degree.

The purpose of the survey is to confirm that the competencies and performance indicators clearly and accurately align with the core competence required of the Health Science graduate.

You are asked to do the following:

Section 1 – Please provide specific details about your program.

Section 2 – Carefully read the competencies and performance indicators. Then, indicate the extent to which the competency and performance indicators are incorporated into your program and the level of importance the competencies and performance indicators are demonstrated by your graduates for future job and higher education opportunities.

IMPORTANT: You can exit the survey anytime and return to pick up where you left off and edit previous responses. The survey is not submitted until you click the "Done" button at the end of the survey. For this option to work correctly, you must use the same device and web browser you used to start the survey.

Use of Data
The collated aggregate survey responses will be shared with the CAHIIM board and council. The results will inform required changes to the competencies before finalizing the document for inclusion in the education accreditation standards. CAHIIM may also use aggregate data in publishing valuable research or program evaluation information to the public and the health information management community.