This survey is mandatory accountability for ALL Individual Reservists (IRs) IAW directives defined in TASKORD 2022-01, recently released by our new Chief of the Air Force Reserve (CAFR), Lt Gen Healy.
Based upon Lt Gen Healy's orders, ALL IRs are directed by the HQ RIO Commander, Col Segura, to complete the following survey as well as read and acknowledge TASKORD 2022-01 in its entirety.

Your acknowledgement of this TASKORD via this Survey Monkey is mandatory and will be tracked and reported to the MAJCOM. 

Question Title

* 2. What is your first name as it appears on your CAC.

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* 3. What is your last name as it appears on your CAC.

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* 4. What detachment are you assigned to? 

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* 5. What is your status?

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* 6. All AFRC members have been ordered to read and acknowledge TASKORD 
2022-01 published by our new CAFR, Lt Gen Healy.  If you've not yet read the TASKORD, you can find it here:

Upon completion of review, select YES below to acknowledge that you have  opened and read the document in its entirety.

Question Title

* 7. On the top of page two of the TASKORD are the CAFR's tasks specifically for Airmen.  Lt Gen Healy has directed specific tasks for all AFR Airmen as follows:

All assigned personnel must maintain basic readiness. All Airmen must actively engage in generating personal and unit readiness. Loss of currency or proficiency is unacceptable. DO NOT wait on your units to coordinate. Every Airmen owns their readiness and works diligently to be an effective warfighting element within their unit. This includes maintaining readiness to support Combatant Commanders through: AFSC proficiency, medical readiness, Basic Airman Readiness (BAR) currency, and physical fitness prepared for combat,
including fitness assessment currency."

Please select YES below to acknowledge you have read and are aware of this section of the TASKORD.

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* 8. In the middle of page 6, the CAFR additionally tasks IMAs with the following:

Task 4 – (IMA) Maintain readiness and responsiveness

a. Fully participate to funding level
b. Excel at assigned duties
c. When required provide surge capacity

Please select YES below to acknowledge you have read and are aware of this section of the TASKORD.

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* 9. HQ RIO works hard to assist you in maintaining your readiness.  One of the ways it does this is through messages sent to both your personal and military emails.  These messages include the "RIO Buzz."  Please answer:

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* 10. The HQ RIO website ( and the RIO Connect phone app 
both host a repository of information needed to assist you in maintaining 
your readiness, as well as other important tasks IRs need to ensure are 
completed.  This includes the IR Guide, Quick Guides, and necessary training.  Please select an answer below:

Question Title

* 11. The HQ RIO website has numerous training modules that answer many of the 
questions members have about common IR tasks and readiness requirements. 
Click on the "RIO Learning Experiences" button here:  Please answer:"