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The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is serious about our commitment to build an accurate demographic snapshot of the reach of the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County. This will give us a solid baseline against which to measure the success of our efforts to reach out and engage more equitably with the rich diversity of residents and cultures across coastal Fairfield County.

Thanks to the generosity of several of our member venues, we have many incentives to encourage you: please select up to 3 of those you are most interested in winning in the random selection. 

Thank you for your valuable input. We appreciate your time!

Question Title

* 1. Email Address [please be sure to enter the email address to which email from us is sent to you, otherwise you will continue to receive messages asking you to complete the survey]

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* 2. Name

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* 3. Town

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* 4. Birth Cohort

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* 5. Race/Ethnicity (select all that apply)

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* 6. Where Did You Hear About E-Buzz?

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* 7. Interests

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* 8. What is your relationship to the arts and culture (select all that apply)

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* 9. Which of the following incentives would you be most interested in should you win the raffle (select up to 3)?

0 of 9 answered