4% of survey complete.
Dear Participant,

Data on the European and global prevalence of Food Hypersensitivity (food allergy, food intolerance and coeliac disease) suggest that the rates are increasing.  Safefood and researchers in food hypersensitivity at  University College Cork and Queen's University Belfast want to know if the recent change in legislation around the provision of information on food allergens to consumers has improved your perception of safety and your experiences when eating out.

Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011  - also called the Food Information for Consumers Regulation - came into force in December 2014 and requires caterers to provide their customers with information pertaining to 14 food allergens if these are used as deliberate ingredients.

We are very anxious to hear your views to help us determine if the legislation has resulted in any benefits for you (or your family member), particularly with regard to the ability of food service establishments to serve safe food.  Your answers will help us to understand the effectiveness of the legislation and will go to inform the development of future legislation or policy in the area of food allergen control.
Please complete this questionnaire on your own behalf as an adult with food allergy, food intolerance or coeliac disease
Please complete this questionnaire on behalf of your child or another member of your immediate family with food allergy, food intolerance or coeliac disease

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is very important to us.
Audrey DunnGalvin PhD, Reg.Psychol.Ps.S.I.

Question Title
