Parental Survey

Tsuut’ina Education is currently developing a 2024 – 2034 Strategic Plan, to inform the future and direction of the education department.

As a parent, we want to hear from you to shape the future of Tsuut’ina Education. Your insights are the compass guiding the course of our educational journey. We invite you to be an integral part of our vision for the next decade by participating in our Parental Survey.
Why Your Input Matters:
  1. Addressing Concerns: Your feedback pinpoint areas where improvements are needed, ensuring a better learning experience and better outcomes for all.
  2. Student Success: Your feedback and your contribution will be incorporated into our 10-Year Strategic Plan, which directly impacts the success of our students.

This is your opportunity to influence the future. Together, let's create a roadmap for educational excellence. Please note that the information shared with the consultants will be strictly confidential in an aggregated format.

Sīyísgáàs for your participation!