This test is to be taken by all individuals that will be working on or near the Streetcar alignment. The online Track Access exams must be passed with a score of 90% or higher. Please fill in your name, company name and the date on the exam to receive credit.
Please answer all of the questions below and then click the "Submit" button when you are finished to see your score and then the "Done" button to submit the test.
Please fill out the Cover Sheet, print and bring with you to pick up the badges, or scan and email it to us. The Cover Sheet is required and must be submitted in order to receive a Track Access Badge.
If you have any questions, Please contact Sheri Allen at

Question Title

* 1. Name:

Question Title

* 2. Date (MM/DD/YYYY):

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* 3. Employment:

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* 4. Enter your company name:

Question Title

* 5. 1- The streetcar trackway safety envelope is a ______ foot area around the track which encompasses ______ feet from the center line of the tracks.

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* 6. 2- The Overhead Contact System (OCS) safety envelope is the area around ______ feet of the wire.

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* 7. 3- All Overhead Contact System (OCS) poles have what type of markings on them that are used to determine the exact location for the work area?

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* 8. 4- As a major philosophy of the Track Access Process, it is expected that all personnel ensure ________ working conditions and clear, concise_________________.

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* 9. 5- Track Access procedures apply to all personnel working on the Wayside during revenue (operating) and non-revenue service (non-operating) hours________ days a week ______ hours per day.

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* 10. 6- All personnel entering the trackway for work or inspections must be wearing a safety _______ and the Supervisor in charge must have taken the appropriate safety ________ for the access level of work to be performed.

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* 11. 7- Traction Power on the OCS wire when energized is ________ VDC and any contact with the wire and ground may result in serious__________ or __________.

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* 12. 8- There are safety badges issued for working around the streetcar. How often do you need to go through recertification training?

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* 13. 9- ___________________ along the trackway, storage yard, and MOF provide power to the OCS.

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* 14. 10- The streetcar track has two loops that are mechanically connected that allow the train to change direction. What are the parts called that allow trains to move through these areas?

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* 15. 11- If you are working near the switches you should never subject them to items that may hinder their operation. This could be the following:

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* 16. 12- When performing work within the trackway, the Supervisor in charge must have what in their possession or they may be asked to stop work and leave the area?

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* 17. 13- Streetcars are very quiet and fast and they cannot do what?

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* 18. 14- Two primary hazards to all personnel on or around the streetcar track are what?

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* 19. 15- When crossing the tracks in front or behind a stopped streetcar, how much room should you give yourself?

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* 20. 16- When should you expect a train?

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* 21. 17- Safety is of the utmost importance when working near the streetcar tracks. How should you work in the area?

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* 22. 18- Always be aware of your surroundings. The maximum speed for the streetcar is ____mph, and it can take up to ____ft. to stop in dry conditions.

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* 23. 19- Whose responsibility is it to stay out of the way of the trains?

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* 24. 20- Along most of the track alignment, the Streetcar operates using city traffic signals, however at some locations the track crosses all the regular traffic lanes. In these circumstances the streetcar is given a ______ _______ signal indication, which provides a ________ ________ for the streetcar to proceed a few seconds before the regular vehicle traffic.

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* 25. 21- For the most part the height of the Overhead Contact System (OCS) is______ft. from the ground. However in some areas it can be as close as ____ft.

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* 26. 22- Before you are able to begin work you may need a permit. To obtain this paperwork who do you need to contact?

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* 27. 23- If you want to work on the track and you have a permit what must you do before you start work and when work is complete for the day?

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* 28. 24- If you are not displaying the appropriate safety badge, what might an inspector do when they stop by your work site?

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* 29. 25- The best way to cross the rail is to step on the top of the rail.

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* 30. 26- What should your work crew do when the streetcar is on the approach?

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* 31. 27- If your work crew must be near the tracks and/or the overhead wire what should they be doing?

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* 32. 28- What should you NOT do when a streetcar is approaching?

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* 33. 29- What are two things you should not lay on the head of the rail?

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* 34. 30- If you place a ______flag or cone in the center of the trackway it means that you want the train to ______.

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* 35. 31- If you are a designated flagger an up and down movement towards the train operator denotes what hand signal?

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* 36. 32- If you are a designated flagger a hand signal across the body with your arm denotes what to the operator?

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* 37. 33- If you are working in the trackway envelope while the train is running what type of zone would need to be set up?

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* 38. 34- While the information presented in this training program is critical to a safe working experience along the streetcar right of way, what else should you have to work on the streetcar line?

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* 39. 35- What is the path for the negative return on the OCS?

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* 40. 36- What on the streetcar collects the electrical voltage from the OCS wire?

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* 41. 37- When the item above is in contact with the wire you can always expect that the wire is what?

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* 42. 38- If the power is shut off or removed for a work crew what is another task that must be completed?

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* 43. 39- To be certified in the Track Access Level 4, the supervisor in charge and the appropriate crew need to have this training and what other training?

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* 44. 40- The difference between Track Access Level 3 and Level 4 is what?

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* 45. 41- Unless a specific request is made to remove power and all procedures have been followed to do so, the wire should always be considered hot or energized.

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* 46. 42- The reasons for a job safety briefing is the following:

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* 47. 43- If a dangerous situation should arise, you should call out. The specific call out should be discussed in the job briefing.

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* 48. 44- During a job briefing what should be discussed?

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* 49. 45- What guidelines should you follow when conducting a job briefing?

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* 50. 46- What else should be discussed in a job briefing?

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* 51. 47- The “Good Faith Challenge” is to protect workers if they feel the protection provided is inadequate while working around the tracks.

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* 52. 48- If someone challenges the protection provided to them, what happens with the rest of the work crew?