Economic Development Administration Potential Projects

Background: When planning for economic development, the goal is to create and maintain a strong, vibrant local economy. Local economic development planning is part of a region's overall economic development strategy and involves effective coordination among all local and regional stakeholders in the process. The goal of the AWEDD Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (“CEDS”) is to provide a comprehensive overview of the economy, set policy direction for economic growth, and identify strategies, programs, and projects to improve the economy.

In order for the regional CEDS to reflect our collective goals and objectives, your active involvement in identifying projects of significance are paramount. To that end, we have assembled the following questions that are aimed at identifying projects of significance to your locale. 

In addition to identifying business expansion and infrastructure projects of significance, we are very interested in your thoughts about what you perceive as major opportunities and threats to your local or regional economy.

Thank you for your participation. 

If you have any questions, contact Jon Gulliver at Northern Maine Development Commission at 493-5851 or by email at Investment priorities for the Economic Development Administration can be seen here. (Some internet browers close out this window, so look at priorities before you start filling out the survey.)

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* 1. Please provide your contact information

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* 2. Is your community planning to engage in local economic development planning activities within the next 12 months?

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* 3. Has your community experienced private investments over the past 12 months? (If so, please describe in comment box.
Examples might include a local hospital expansion, a major business expansion, a wind or solar project, etc)

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* 4. Does your community envision there may be interest in a major business/infrastructure expansion in the coming 12 months? (If so, please describe what is anticipated)

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* 5. Do you know of a project that may be suitable for inclusion in the CEDS as a viable project for 2018-19? (If yes, please include information in text boxes, if no leave blank) If you don't have all the answers you can leave the box blank.

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* 6. What are the biggest opportunities for growing the regional economy?

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* 7. What are the biggest threats to the regional economy?