FoodFinder App - Usability Study

FoodFinder App - Usability Study

This is a lofi prototype of an app we're developing for a local grocery store. Many of the images and text are placeholders.

The responses we’re collecting are being used to better design the layout of our app and make sure that it’s easy and understandable to navigate.

You will be given 3 tasks to complete and will be asked follow up questions about your experience.

-the search bar is active but does not actually take text input
-there is no checkout screen; the task is complete once you receive the prompt confirming the item has been added.
Thank you for taking time to participate!
1.Do you have any common issues you run into while grocery shopping?
2.Do you ever feel like you have a hard time finding items while shopping?
3.Is there a way you go about checking for items that are out of stock before getting to the store?
4.Task 1: Open the app link. Find watermelon slices and add them to your cart
5.Follow up: Was anything about this task confusing or overwhelming?
6.Task 2: Find the Rib Tips recipe and add (one or all) items to your list
7.Follow up: Do you think including recipes in the app is a useful feature?
8.Task 3: Open your order from February 29 and add (one or all) items to your list
9.Was anything about these tasks confusing or overwhelming? Are there any featuers you think should be added or changed?