For each question or statement, please choose the answer that best reflects your experience

Question Title

1. Name

Question Title

2. Email

Question Title

3. How consistently do you provide meaningful guidance (mentoring, teaching, coaching) to your team?

Question Title

4. How consistently does your business meet its performance goals (financial, sales, marketing, operational, or customer-related)?

Question Title

5. How often do your employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions?

Question Title

6. My leadership team is accountable when meeting deadlines, running effective meetings, collaborating, and owning their mistakes.

Question Title

7. My team members are reliable in meeting deadlines and responsibilities in excellence.

Question Title

8. The quality of my products/services in maintaining customer satisfaction is predictable.

Question Title

9. How often do you attain and respond to feedback from customers and employees?

Question Title

10. How consistently does your leadership team communicate effectively across all levels of the organization?

Question Title

11. I feel confident in reaching our future goals, based on how we deliver our products and services today.

Question Title

12. How often do you see consistent progress toward your long-term business goals and sustainability?