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The Clark County climate project team is seeking community input to help plan for climate change through a series of activities throughout the year. Right now, the project team is focused on planning to improve community resilience to severe weather events and weather patterns. Community resilience means the equitable ways we build our community’s connectivity, cohesion, and capacity to reduce, withstand, respond to, and recover from climate impacts.

We invite you to:

1) review a summary of climate impacts expected in Clark County over the next 20-years;

2) review a summary of community feedback about severe weather events and weather patterns in Clark County; and

3) share your ideas about possible solutions to address severe weather and changes in local weather patterns.

The climate project team, made up of county staff, consultants, and advisory groups, will use this information to inform the next phase of the planning process: finalizing a proposed list of actions the county can take to prepare for and cope with future severe weather events and weather patterns.

Your answers are anonymous (we don’t know who you are). Your participation is voluntary. You may choose to skip questions. Your participation provides valuable feedback to help shape future community plans.

This survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete.

The climate project team will share summary results from this survey and other community engagement efforts on the project website.

You can learn more about the county’s climate project and stay engaged in next steps here:

For other formats, contact the Clark County ADA Office: 564.397.2322 / 711 or 800.833.6388 /

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