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The Washington Center for Nursing (WCN) is recruiting diverse nursing faculty from Washington state nursing programs to participate in a mentorship program. The purpose of the structured program is to provide support and foster success of our diverse faculty mentees in their respective roles. If selected, mentees will agree to meet with their mentor at least once a month either in person or remotely over a one-year period.

Mentees must also commit to:

1.      Attend day one of the Mentor Training Institute to prepare for this program. The dates for this event are from (8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) Thursday, January 25. (Professional Development Contact Hours available.)
2.      Complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) assessment prior to the Mentor Training Institute.
3.      Participate in one-hour group coaching sessions every month for 6 months via virtual conference from February through July 2024.

Note: Mentors may represent a variety of roles in higher education, practice, research, and community service. Where possible, an effort will be made to match mentees with the type of mentor that they believe would be most beneficial for them.

Thank you for your interest in this important program. Please complete the following questions and submit by clicking the DONE button.

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* 1. Name (First & Last):

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* 2. What is your self-identified race and ethnicity?

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* 3. What is your self-identified gender?

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* 4. Address:

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* 5. Phone Number:

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* 6. Email Address:

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* 7. Name of College or University:

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* 8. What is your current faculty rank or title?

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* 9. How long have you been in your current faculty position?

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* 10. What do you hope to gain from your participation in this mentorship program? Select the top three topics that you would like to work on with your mentor.

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* 11. If you had to describe the ideal mentor to help you meet your career goals, what characteristics would this person have?

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* 12. Do you have any preferences for working with a mentor from a specific racial, ethnic, or underrepresented group?

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* 13. Do you have any additional comments that you would like to share related to how to best match you with a mentor?

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* 14. Typing your name in the box below serves as an electronic signature and agreement to the requirements and expectations if selected to serve as one of our mentees.

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* 15. Please attach an up-to-date copy of your CV or Resume with your submission

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