Mobile Connectivity Experience at Worthing Fireworks

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback regarding your mobile connectivity experience today at Worthing. As a token of our appreciation, after completing the survey, please provide us with your email address to be entered into a raffle for £50 gift card of your choice.
1.How have you used your mobile phone today in Worthing? Please tick all that apply.(Required.)
2.Have you had any issues (i.e. slow internet speeds, inability to connect, dropped calls, etc.) in completing any of the above tasks today? If ‘Yes’ please explain.(Required.)
3.How satisfied are you with the mobile phone connectivity experience you had today in Worthing?(Required.)
4.Who is your service provider?(Required.)
5.Are you a local resident or did you travel to the Worthing Fireworks?(Required.)
6.Over the coming months, the Beach project will be improving mobile connectivity within Worthing. To learn more about the project, please visit our website at The Connected Beach Project.

As a "THANK YOU" for playing your part, please enter your email address below to be entered into a raffle for a £50 gift card of your choice.