Plain Language Statement

Researcher Information

Title of the project: A survey study exploring Medicine and Motherhood among Irish Doctors

Name of Discipline, School, Project Team: Discipline of General Practice, School of Medicine, University of Galway, Ireland

Principal Investigator and Data Controller: Dr. Sinéad Lydon (

Thank you for your interest in this study.

You are being invited to take part in a research study being carried out by researchers at the University of Galway: Sanjana Biju (, Caoimhe Madden (, Paul O’Connor (, and Sinéad Lydon (

Before you decide whether you wish to take part or not, you should read the information provided below and, if you wish, discuss with family, friends, colleagues etc. Take your time and ask questions – don’t feel rushed and don’t feel under pressure to make a quick decision. The survey will be open to participants until the end of January 2025. You should be clear about the risks and benefits of taking part in this study so that you can make a decision that’s right for you. This process is known as ‘Informed Consent’.

What Happens If I Decide Not To Participate?
You don’t have to take part in this study. Choosing not to take part will not have any consequences nor will anyone ever know whether you did or did not participate. You can also end your participation at any time. However, as the survey is anonymous, you will not be able to withdraw your response once you have submitted the survey.

Why Is This Study Being Done?
The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding of the experiences of women doctors working in the Republic of Ireland around family planning, pregnancy, motherhood, and their relationship with wellbeing, work-life balance, and career satisfaction. This study is the first of a larger programme of research at the University of Galway that is focused specifically on motherhood among women doctors in the Republic of Ireland. It is anticipated that the resulting data will inform the development of evidence-based recommendations for improving the experiences of women doctors in the Republic of Ireland who balance motherhood alongside a medical career.

Who Is Organising And Funding This Study?
This study is organised by the Discipline of General Practice, University of Galway, Ireland and is funded by the MPS Foundation Grant Programme. The MPS Foundation was established to undertake research, analysis, education and training to enable healthcare professionals to provide better care for their patients and improve their own wellbeing. To achieve this, it supports and funds research across the world that will make a difference and can be applied in the workplace.

Why Am I Being Asked To Take Part?
You are being asked to take part as you are a doctor in the Republic of Ireland and either: 1) currently pregnant, 2) have one or more children, or 3) have experienced infertility/accessed fertility treatments. As a result, we think you have important insight into the experiences, and treatment of, women doctors who seek to have a family, are pregnant, or who have children.

6% of survey complete.