2022 WDVC Postcard and Poster Order Form |
The Wisconsin Disability Vote Coalition (WDVC) is a non-partisan effort to increase participation in the electoral process of voters with disabilities, including registering to vote, casting a vote, and accessing polling places.
We invite you to help increase participation of voters with disabilities. Complete this form to receive free Disability Vote Coalition postcards and posters. The posters and postcards include 2022 elections dates, information about voting registration, and where to call for help. The materials can be posted at your office or home, displayed in literature racks or resource tables, and distributed in person or by mail.
View the accessible materials below:
We invite you to help increase participation of voters with disabilities. Complete this form to receive free Disability Vote Coalition postcards and posters. The posters and postcards include 2022 elections dates, information about voting registration, and where to call for help. The materials can be posted at your office or home, displayed in literature racks or resource tables, and distributed in person or by mail.
View the accessible materials below:
We also invite your organization to join the Disability Vote Coalition. As a member organization, you will receive information about Coalition activities and resources and be listed as a member on our Disability Vote Coalition website here.
The WDVC is coordinated by Disability Rights Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities.
Questions? Contact us at info@disabilityvote.org.