Mental Health Chapter Update Podcast Survey Diabetes Canada is committed to continuous quality improvement and meeting the needs of the Health Care Provider Community. Please take 2 minutes to tell us about yourself and provide feed on the quality of our Mental Health Chapter Update podcast. Responses to this survey are completely anonymous. Question Title * 1. Did this podcast meet your expectations? Yes No Question Title * 2. Did you perceive any industry bias? Yes No Question Title * 3. Please rate your satisfaction with the webinar using the scale below. Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Pace of speaker Pace of speaker Very dissatisfied Pace of speaker Dissatisfied Pace of speaker Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Pace of speaker Satisfied Pace of speaker Very satisfied Clarity of speaker Clarity of speaker Very dissatisfied Clarity of speaker Dissatisfied Clarity of speaker Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Clarity of speaker Satisfied Clarity of speaker Very satisfied Question Title * 4. Please rate your level of knowledge on this topic. Very low Low Neutral Good Very good Before the podcast Before the podcast Very low Before the podcast Low Before the podcast Neutral Before the podcast Good Before the podcast Very good After the podcast After the podcast Very low After the podcast Low After the podcast Neutral After the podcast Good After the podcast Very good Question Title * 5. How relevant is this knowledge to your day-to-day practice? Not relevant Somewhat relevant Neutral Relevant Very relevant Question Title * 6. How likely are you to use this knowledge in your day-to-day practice? Never Unlikely Not Sure Likely Very likely Question Title * 7. What would improve the likelihood of you using the information in today's podcast in your future practice? Question Title * 8. What topics would you like to see in future podcasts? Thank you for answering questions about today's webinar. The remaining questions are focused on demographics. Answering these questions help us know who watches our content and we would appreciate you taking the time to answer them. Question Title * 9. Are you a healthcare provider? Yes No Question Title * 10. What kind of healthcare provider are you? Registered Nurse Registered Practical Nurse Registered Nurse Practitioner Registered Dietitian Pharmacist Podiatrist/Chiropodist Social Worker Exercise Physiologist/Kinesioligist Physiotherapist Optometrist Physician/Endocrinolgist Student Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 11. How long have you been practicing? 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16+ years Question Title * 12. Are you a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE)? Yes No Question Title * 13. What best describes the setting in which you practice as an HCP? Home care Diabetes Education Centre (Hospital) Diabetes Education Centre (Community) Private Solo Practice Community Health Centre (including community pharmacy) Academic Teaching Hospital Community Hospital Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 14. In which jurisdiction do you primarily work? Yukon Northwest Territories Nunavut British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Newfoundland and Labrador Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 15. Which of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group? Asian - East Asian - South Asian - South East Black - African Black - Caribbean Black - North American First Nations Indian - Caribbean Indigenous Inuit Latin American Metis Middle Eastern White - European White - North American Do Not Know Prefer Not To Answer Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 16. What is your gender? Man Woman Non-binary / Gender diverse Trans Woman Trans Man Two-Spirit Do Not Know Prefer Not To Answer Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 17. What is your sexual orientation? Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Lesbian Queer Two-Spirit Do Not Know Prefer Not to Answer Not Listed Above (please specify) Question Title * 18. Do you identify as a person with a disability? For the purposes of this survey, disability is defined as: any impairment (physical, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory) or functional limitation that hinders full and equal participation in society. Yes No Prefer Not To Answer Question Title * 19. Are you personally affected by diabetes? Yes No Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Diabetes Canada is always looking to engage with our community. If you are interested in getting more involved, please click here to view opportunities for HCPs. Done