In preparation for the next round of the Mental Health Student Services Act (MHSSA) grants the Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission is requesting your input to determine the best approach to distribute approximately $25 million in funding.

We are conducting a Listening Session to gather input on the wellness needs of students, and would like to hear directly from youth, as well as adults. The hope is to learn more about the most vulnerable youth, the best approaches to universal screening, and how to sustain the current MHSSA programs.
Please complete this brief survey. We have limited the written responses to 400 characters for short answers. Note that questions 7, 8 and 9 are directed towards adults, grantees, and community based organizations. We would appreciate your response by January 15, 2024. Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. If you are a student, please indicate your grade level from the choices below, and then skip to Question 3. Please choose one.

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* 2. If you are not a student, please indicate your role from the choices below. Please choose one.

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* 3. What mental health services are needed by students at your school that they are not receiving (if any)?

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* 4. What student groups are likely to be underserved in your school (in other words not receiving needed mental health services)? Examples might include youth in the foster care or juvenile justice systems.

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* 5. How can the Commission better reach and serve these underserved youth?

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* 6. If your school's on campus mental health program ended, how would this affect you and/or your classmates?  What kind of impact would this have on the campus atmosphere/culture?

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* 7. How can school mental health programs/services benefit from a quality improvement and sustainability coordinator?

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* 8. How are a student's mental health needs typically identified in your school and by whom?

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* 9. Do you think that all students should be screened for potential mental health needs, even if they have no known risks or symptoms? Why or why not?

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* 10. Was there something you wanted to talk about related to school-based mental health that we haven’t discussed?