Question Title

* 1. which one of the following statement is true

Question Title

* 2. WLF shift factor at is

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* 3. during a rheometer test the t90 rubber curing time parameter is

Question Title

* 4. What does scorch mean?

Question Title

* 5. what we can retrieve by one sigle test by a rheometer?

Question Title

* 6. which one of the following statement is true

Question Title

* 7. Pasquale sta sulla sua auto e sa che quando la durezza del battistrada aumenterà di 10 punti sarà necessario cambiarle. Allora decide di fare test accelerato a temperature diverse ritenendo valida la legge di arrenius.
per aumentare 10 punti di durezza
a 80 gradi ci mette due settimane
a 100 gradi 4 giorni
a 130 gradi un giorno

Pasquale is driving his car and he knows that when the hardness of the tread increases  10 points he will need to change them. For this reason he decides to forecast by accelerated testing carried out at different temperatures believing applicable arrhenius law.
The increase of 10 points of hardness requires
at 80 degrees it takes two weeks
at 100 degrees 4 days
at 130 degrees one day