SHSMD's Year-round Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in serving as a SHSMD volunteer!

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* 1. Member contact information

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* 2. Select your choice for SHSMD involvement. Refer to our volunteer opportunities page for details.

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* 3. Indicate your years of experience in the following areas:

  Under 5 years 6-10 years Over 10 years
Years in a health care strategy discipline (i.e., planning, marketing, communications, business development, etc).
Years in strategy role OUTSIDE of health care
Years in leadership role (director or above)
Years in SHSMD membership

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* 4. In your current role, what is your level of responsibility? (SELECT THE BEST ANSWER.)

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* 5. In your current role, what is your primary job function? (SELECT ONE)

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* 6. In your current role, what is your secondary job function? (SELECT ONE)

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* 7. What are the 3 strengths you could bring as a project volunteer? (SELECT ONLY 3)

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* 8. Provide any additional information about your background that may be useful to your SHSMD volunteer role

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* 9. In the PAST 5 YEARS, how many times have you...(SELECT ONE RESPONSE PER ROW)

  0 1-5 6 or more
Volunteered to serve a SHSMD committee or task force?
Served on a SHSMD committee or task force?
Been nominated to the SHSMD Advisory Board?
Attended the SHSMD Connections annual conference?
Presented at annual conference or SHSMD Education?
Participated in a SHSMD meet up or online discussion (MySHSMD)?

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* 10. What is your highest degree earned? (SELECT ONE)

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* 11. Which of the following recognition's have you received? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

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* 12. What is your organization's locale?

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* 13. What is your organizational affiliation? (SELECT THE BEST ANSWER)

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* 14. Do you plan to attend the SHSMD Connections 2025 Annual Conference in Dallas, TX on October 13-15, 2025?

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* 15. In a few words, please describe your ideal volunteer experience with SHSMD:

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* 16. If asked to serve, I am confident I will meet the time commitments described in the leadership opportunities and will actively contribute to the achievement of committee or project objectives