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The MBTA and the City of Boston are partnering together on the Blue Hill Avenue Transportation Action Plan. The plan includes our proposal to redesign the corridor between Warren Street in Grove Hall and River Street in Mattapan Square. A new multimodal design will add a center running bus lane for the more than 40,000 bus riders who travel on Blue Hill Ave every weekday, and better define spaces for drivers and pedestrians creating a safer, calmer experience for everyone.

The project team has identified potential station locations and is seeking public feedback on the project. Please provide your feedback by taking the survey.

Please choose your language in the menu at the top right of the page. For Haitian Creole, please select "French (Haiti)". For Cape Verdean Creole, please select "Portuguese (Cape Verde)".

Question Title

* Qual é o seu código postal residencial?

Question Title

* Como você viaja na Blue Hill Ave? Selecione todas as opções aplicáveis

Question Title

* Se desejar ficar em contato com este projeto, digite seu e-mail abaixo