Philanthropy Reform and ACE Act

Independent Sector is seeking input from a broad cross-section of the nonprofit sector about the potential impact of various proposals to reform philanthropy practices, including the Accelerating Charitable Efforts (ACE) Act.

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.  All responses will remain confidential and used  to inform Independent Sector's approach to policy proposals on philanthropy.
1.What, if any, of the following philanthropic activities could be improved? (Check all that apply)
2.Rate your awareness of the Accelerating Charitable Efforts (ACE) Act from not at all familiar to extremely familiar.
Not at all familiar
Slightly familiar
Somewhat familiar
Moderately familiar
Extremely familiar
3.The impact of the Accelerating Charitable Effectiveness (ACE) Act on my organization's ability to advance its mission will be:
Very negative
Somewhat Negative
Somewhat positive
Very positive
4.What questions do you have about proposals to reform private foundations, donor-advised funds, or the ACE Act?
5.What would you like to share with Independent Sector and the ACE Act's potential impact on your organization?
6.What categories best describe your organization (check all that apply)
7.A representative of my organization would be interested in the following engagement on this issue (check all that apply):
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered