Texas Literacy Initiative Leadership Summit, February 11-12, San Antonio, Texas
Thank you for participating in the Texas Literacy Initiative Leadership Summit 2013. We appreciate your time in responding to the following questions and will use this information to improve future Summits. Best wishes, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Question Title

* 1. Leadership Summit Logistics and Content: Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1. The Texas Literacy Initiative (TLI) Leadership Summit schedule and registration process were clear and well-organized.
2. I was satisfied with San Antonio as the location for the Summit.
3. I was satisfied with the hotel accommodations for the Summit.
4. The Summit schedule provided adequate time for movement and/or transitions.
5. I was satisfied with the organization, presentation, availability and overall quality of Summit materials.
6. The Summit General Session presentation was of high-quality.
7. The Summit breakout sessions effectively addressed the implementation of the Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) and the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
8. Day 1: Session 1 was high-quality and provided a good opportunity for Literacy Line leaders to reflect on instructional leadership, systemic improvement, site/campus plans, Implementation Maps and goals.
9. Day 1: Session 2 was high-quality and helped me to learn the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
10. Day 2: Session 3 was high-quality and helped me to practice the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
11. Day 2: Session 4 was high-quality and provided a good opportunity to begin working on a TSLP Action Step, to prepare for "turning-around" the Summit, and to learn about next steps for TLI.

Question Title

* 2. Leadership Summit Scheduling

  Early December January 1-15 January 15-31 February 1-14 February 15-28
12. To assist with the scheduling of next year's Leadership Summit, please indicate which time period would be your first choice for the Summit to take place. (If you want to provide comments related to the scheduling of the Summit, please use the "Additional Comments" box below.)

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* 3. For you, what was the most successful/helpful aspect of the Summit?

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* 4. What would have made the Summit a more positive experience for you?

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* 5. Additional Comments: