1. The Texas Literacy Initiative (TLI) Leadership Summit schedule and registration process were clear and well-organized.
2. I was satisfied with San Antonio as the location for the Summit.
3. I was satisfied with the hotel accommodations for the Summit.
4. The Summit schedule provided adequate time for movement and/or transitions.
5. I was satisfied with the organization, presentation, availability and overall quality of Summit materials.
6. The Summit General Session presentation was of high-quality.
7. The Summit breakout sessions effectively addressed the implementation of the Texas State Literacy Plan (TSLP) and the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
8. Day 1: Session 1 was high-quality and provided a good opportunity for Literacy Line leaders to reflect on instructional leadership, systemic improvement, site/campus plans, Implementation Maps and goals.
9. Day 1: Session 2 was high-quality and helped me to learn the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
10. Day 2: Session 3 was high-quality and helped me to practice the process for working on a TSLP Action Step.
11. Day 2: Session 4 was high-quality and provided a good opportunity to begin working on a TSLP Action Step, to prepare for "turning-around" the Summit, and to learn about next steps for TLI.