Exit Your Opinion Is Requested! Exercise Gym Items Hi everyone, With all of our renovations happening, we will need to look at items that need to be condensed. We would like your input on items that could be moved to another location if you feel we still use them or discarded if you feel we do not use them anymore. Question Title * 1. In the exercise gym do we use this item Move to renovated space or storage area. Discard item Keep in the exercise gym Question Title * 2. Do we use these items in the exercise gym? Move to the renovated space or storage area. Discard item Keep in Exercise gym. Question Title * 3. Do we need this item in the exercise gym? Move to renovated area or storage. Discard item Keep in Exercise gym Question Title * 4. Do we need this item in the exercise room? Move to renovated area or storage. Discard item Keep in exercise gym. Question Title * 5. Do we need this item in the exercise room? Move to renovated area or storage Discard item Keep in exercise gym. Question Title * 6. Do we need 2 of these items in the exercise gym? Move to the renovated area or storage. Discard item. Keep in the exercise gym. Question Title * 7. Do we need these types of items in the exercise gym? Move to the renovated area or storage. Discard item. Keep in the exercise gym. Question Title * 8. Do we need this item in the exercise gym? Move to the renovated area or storage. Discard item. Keep in the exercise gym. Question Title * 9. Do we need this item in the exercise gym? Move to the renovated area or storage. Discard item. Keep in the exercise gym. Done