Upchurch University Center Satisfaction Survey

The staff in the Upchurch University Center would like your feedback so we can better improve our services. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete the survey.  All those who complete the survey will be eligible for a $25 Sheetz gift card or a $25 Amazon gift card.

Question Title

* 1. On average, how often do you visit the Upchurch University Center?

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the extent to which the Upchurch University Center.

  1- Very Dissatisfied 2- Dissatisfied 3- Neutral 4- Satisfied 5- Very Satisfied
Publicizes opportunities to join student organizations
Publicizes activities sponsored by the Upchurch University Center
Promotes a sense of community on campus
Promotes programs of interest to students
Involves students in the decisions about Upchurch University Center Activities

Question Title

* 3. Across your time at Longwood, on average, how many hours do you spend at in the Upchurch UniversityCenter:

(For those employed in the Upchurch University Center, please do not count hours that you spent working).

10 or more hours 6-9 hours 2-5 hours 1 hour or less I did not visit the Lankford Student Union
During the week (Monday-Thursday)?
During the weekend (Friday-Sunday)?

Question Title

* 4. What prevents you from visiting the Upchurch University Center on a more frequent basis? (Check all that apply).

Question Title

* 5. What are the most common reasons (Choose top 3) you visit the Upchurch University Center?

Question Title

* 6. How satisfied are you with the quality of the following aspects of the Upchurch University Center environment:

  1- Very dissatisfied 2- Dissatisfied 3- Neutral 4- Satisfied 5- Very satisfied
Cleanliness of entrances
Cleanliness of hallways
Cleanliness of lounges
Cleanliness of restrooms

Question Title

* 7. How frequently do you use the following to find out about activities, programs, and services in the Upchurch University Center. 

1- Very little 2- Some 3- Quite a bit 4- Moderately 5- Extremely often
The Rotunda (Campus newspaper)
WMLU (Campus radio station)
Weekly Email
Table tents
Text messages from friend or student organization
Social media
Departmental Website
I never seem to hear about campus events

Question Title

* 8. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the Upchurch University Center is:

1- Strongly Disagree 2- Disagree 3- Neutral 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree
An enjoyable place to spend time
A safe place
A place where I feel welcome
A place to relax
A place to study
A source of information for learning about campus events
A student-oriented facility
Open convenient hours
A place to get involved in campus life
A central meeting place for students
A source for a wide variety of entertainment
A source for events I find interesting
Provides a variety of services

Question Title

* 9. How satisfied are you with the following aspects of the Upchurch University Center?

  1- Very dissatisfied 2- Dissatisfied 3- Neutral 4- Satisfied 5- Very satisfied
Quality of A-V equipment
Meeting room options

Question Title

* 10. What is the most common way you learn about campus events? (Choose top three)

Question Title

* 11. To what extent is the Upchurch University Center Professional Staff:

  1- Very little 2- Some 3- Quite a bit 4- Moderately 5- Extremely

Question Title

* 12. To what extent is the Upchurch University Center Student Staff:

  1- Very little 2- Some 3- Quite a bit 4- Moderately 5- Extremely

Question Title

* 13. To what extent does the Upchurch University Center promote a student-centered environment?

Question Title

* 14. How well does the Upchurch University Center fulfill its mission to promote an inclusive environment where students are empowered to grow, learn and develop through co-curricular experiences?

Question Title

* 15. Where are you currently living?

Question Title

* 16. What is your class year?

Question Title

* 17. What other comments or feedback do you have about the Upchurch University Center that you would like to share?

Question Title

* 18. Please indicate how important it is to you that the new University Center has each of the following features/characteristics:

  1- Very little 2- Somewhat 3- Quite a bit 4- Moderately 5- Extremely
Availability of lounges and meeting room space
Welcoming and comfortable atmosphere
Variety of learning opportunities
Variety of food options
Atmosphere that encourages informal interaction amongst students and staff
Atmosphere that encourages informal interaction amongst students and faculty
Atmosphere that is conducive to studying

Question Title

* 19. What services should the new University Center provide? (Choose top three)