Question Title

* 1. Which option best describes you? (select all that apply):

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* 2. In a typical year, which of the following forms of transportation do you use to travel to campus? (Select all that apply)

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* 3. Of the following, which is the most important street characteristic to you? (Select the 3 most important to you):

Question Title

* 4. The Maclean Pilot Project, through a tactical urbanism approach [Tactical Urbanism is a fast, inexpensive, action-oriented approach to making meaningful civic changes to neighborhoods, towns, and cities], aims to reduce traffic in the core of campus and increase pedestrian safety in alignment with UM's Climate Action Plan. (Select only the answers you agree with):

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* 5. Compared to your experience prior to the installment of the Pilot Project, how has your level of traffic safety changed on Maclean Crescent?

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* 6. Would you like to see these changes (on-street accessible parking, relocated crosswalk, reduced vehicular traffic, pick up and drop off zone) installed permanently?

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* 7. Pick up and Drop Off Zones help reduce traffic within the campus core and eliminates traffic congestion in the transit corridor. Do you support Pick up and Drop off Zones across the campus to help reduce traffic congestion in the core of campus? (Select the answer that best applies):