HSP MC Survey
Check all which describe you
Age 40s
Age 50s
Age 60+
I know I'm highly sensitive
I'm intuitive
I'm empathic
I feel others and the collective which can be a problem for me
I'm creative
I see the whole picture and see what needs to be done
I find letting go of shame can be an issue for me
I have trouble letting go of things or thoughts
I am on a "spiritual" journey
I feeel the feminine gifts I have are not valued-thought to be "too soft"
I feel the importance of deepening my Source connection
Healthier eating and organic food are important to me
Whenever I can I use natural and alternative therapies for my health
I have some understanding of what Joe Dispensa teaches
I have read Greg Braden's books or heard him speak.
I have read or heard Brene Brown speak.
I have read or heard Kristin Neff speak.
I have listened to Matt Kahn
I have listened to Lee Harris
I have read one book by Dolores Cannon (
The Three Waves of Volunteers is one)
I am familiar with The Gene Keys
I am familiar with Spiral Dynamics
I take online or self development courses in the area of my interest
I pay attention to astrology cycles and portals
I have read books or articles on being Highly Sensitive. If checked this one please put the book title in the comment.
I understand there is nothing wrong with me i understand the traits of high sensitivity or sensory intelligence and the way my brain works and body works
I have a bit of an understanding of how my body and brain is wired but would like more information
If money wasn't an issue would you be interested in a 4 week Empowering Master Class Cicle on high sensory gifts as a superpower with other HSPs? (if you have specific thoughts please put them in the comment below)
Other (please specify)
Check as many of these statements that are like you and you would like to transform or shift?
I don't feel I fit in because of my high sensory traits
I feel misunderstood in a personal relationship(s) which cause me to feel less than, embarrased upset, anxious or stressed
I don't let go of relationships that are no longer a match for me
I don't feel comfortable sharing my high sensory traits and gifts
None of the above
Check as many of these statements that are like you and you would like to transform and shift?
I find that my limiting thoughts and beliefs keep me from being fully authentic and self confident
I get embarrassed because it is hare for me to express what I need to take care of myself.
I fear retribution or upset when I don't agree with someone or share my intuitive thoughts
None of the above
Check as many of these statements you would like to shift or transform?
I want to release guilt around taking self care time time, saying no and setting boundaries but I don't do it
I don't take time to evaluate nurturing others whether it is a sacrifice for me time, energy or money wise
I don't always remember realize that the key to transforming my challenges is to look inside and see what is triggering me.
None of the above
Check as many of these areas you would like to transform or change?
I compare myself to others and don't fully value my high sensitivity traits and understand that my gifts are super powers
I don't always trust my intuitive guidance and knowing for myself
I don't recognize that the gifts of high sensitivity or high sensory intelligence is what is needed now on the planet
None of the above
What 3 areas are the most important to you to transform or shift to feel you can relax and feel empowered and you want to expand, embody to feel confident in your life?
Is there anything else you would like me to know about your experience as a highly sensitive woman (HSPs empath, intuitive, creative) with high sensory gifts?
Thank you so very much for taking your precious time to fill out this survey.
IF there is more you want to share I welcome our thoughts. If not please type NO in the space.
If you would like to receive my thank you gift the password is in the email and the ink is
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WRITE the LINK and PW down as you won't be able to retrieve it again. . Again I so appreciate you taking the time to fill this out! Any questions please feel free to email me