The LCAP provides an overview of the broad goals, outcomes and actions/services that the district will implement from 2016-19 to meet the needs of all students, and the needs of its historically underserved student populations. The following is a list of the actions/services that SMUHSD proposes to provide to our under-served students. We seek your input about the measurable outcomes and effectiveness of the following strategies in our plan for these students.
  • Continued implementation of the Intensive & Strategic Algebra/English (with some new pilot models) as well as Guided Studies support classes at all sites (Budget is $2,525,200. This action is from Goal 2, Service #3.)
  • Continue to provide English Language Development to students learning English (Budget is $1,650,000. This action is from Goal 2, Service #3.)
TOTAL: $4,175,200 (While these expenditures exceed our Supplemental grant funds, we will supplement the difference [$1,073,319] with general fund resources). 

In addition to these two significant support resources directly and principally used to serve the needs of our "unduplicated pupils," the district will also provide the following actions/services from its general fund (also delineated in Goal 2-Action/Service #3):

  • Continue to implement and expand the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program to include explicit recruitment of long-term English Learners.
  • Continue to implement the On-Site Credit Recovery (OSCR) Program.
  • Summer School Credit Recovery Program.
  • Continue to provide Transitional 9th, Sheltered and Math support classes for students with Significantly Interrupted Formal Education ("SIFE Math" for English Learners).
  • Continue to provide English Learners (EL) Specialists at all school sites to support and monitor the academic needs/progress of EL's
  • Continue to provide the Compass learning platform for student credit recovery (used in OSCR and Summer School)
  • Continue to provide after school tutoring options for students in need.
  • Continue to provide programs for mental health support, social worker interns, Parent Involvement Coordinators for family engagement
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Your responses will help tell us if we are allocating resources to the best, most meaningful and effective strategies.