ACTRA Toronto LGBTQ+ Questionnaire LGBTQ+ Questionnaire ACTRA Toronto's new OUTACTRAto Subcommittee needs your help as we work to make things better for performers in the LGBTQ+ community. To help us serve you better, please complete our questionnaire. OK Question Title * 1. How has your experience been as an LGBTQ+ performer? OK Question Title * 2. Do you feel you have to hide your identity to get auditions and work? OK Question Title * 3. Has homophobia impacted your employment opportunities as a performer? Yes No If so, how? OK Question Title * 4. Describe your experience as an LGBTQ+ person communicating with and managing the expectations of agents, casting directors, directors and producers. OK Question Title * 5. What do you think would improve working conditions for LGTBQ+ performers? OK Question Title * 6. How can we as a committee, support you? OK Question Title * 7. ACTRA Toronto's new OUTACTRAto Committee is focused on making things better for LGBTQ+ performers. What are your suggested priorities for our work? OK Question Title * 8. Has race, gender, and sexuality impacted your career? Yes No If so, how? OK Question Title * 9. Do you feel comfortable identifying as: A particular sex? A particular gender? A particular race? A particular age? Any additional comments? OK Question Title * 10. Have you seen any industry initiatives that have helped create more inclusivity? Yes No If so, please describe OK Question Title * 11. What kind of language do you feel represents you in breakdowns and documentation? He She They Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 12. Would you be interested in being involved with our OUTACTRAto Subcommittee? Yes No Feel free to describe particular issues or activities that interest you. OK Question Title * 13. Has homophobia and/or transphobia affected you? Yes No If so, how? OK Question Title * 14. In the industry, have you had to cope with any of the following? Bullying Rejection Homophobia Transphobia Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 15. Have you experienced harassment as someone in the LGBTQ+ community in our industry? (i.e. Have you been pressured to grow hair, wear more makeup, be less/more “masculine” or “feminine”, etc.) Yes No If so, please dscribe OK Question Title * 16. If you experienced harassment, was it overt? Yes No If so, please describe. OK Question Title * 17. Have you ever reported homophobic incidents? Yes No If so, please describe. OK Question Title * 18. Are you out? Yes No Please feel free to add additional comment. OK Question Title * 19. Do you have a support system? Yes No Please feel free to add any additional comment. OK Question Title * 20. What would you like to say to agents, casting agents, screenwriters, producers and directors about content and queer identity? OK Question Title * 21. Is there something else you would like to share? OK DONE