2023 TechAdvantage Conference Evaluation

Please take a few moments to tell us what you thought of this year’s conference.  Survey completion should take about 7-9 minutes.  We use your input to determine how well the TechAdvantage Conference was received, and – more importantly – to continuously improve the conference as we start developing next year’s program. 

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* 1. How valuable was this conference in terms of the time and money you invested in attending it?

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* 2. Please explain the reason for your rating.

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* 3. Overall, how valuable was this conference to you in your role at the cooperative?  

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* 4. Do you agree with the following statement:  I left the conference having made connections with people who can be a resource to me in my role at the co-op.

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* 5. Please explain the reason for your rating.

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* 6. What is one specific action you intend to take or discussion you want to have when you return to your office as a result of your having attended this year’s TechAdvantage Conference?

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* 7. In addition to general sessions and breakout sessions, the TechAdvantage Conference used the following educational formats.  Please rate how beneficial you found these formats, using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is not at all beneficial and 5 is extremely beneficial.

  1 2 3 4 5
TechPark Sessions 
Expo Exhibits
Super Sessions on Tuesday Afternoon

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* 8. Thinking back on all the sessions you attended at TechAdvantage, if you had to pick just one speaker, presentation or piece of information that made an impact on you, what would it be? Why?

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* 9. Please rate each of the statements below about the program.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Subject matter was relevant to the challenges and opportunities in the industry today.
I appreciated having cooperative panelists sharing their experiences.
I picked up ideas, tools, and resources that I can apply back at my cooperative.
Content delivered matched what was said in the promotion and marketing material.

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* 10. The Conference Mobile App Easy to Use

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* 11. How likely are you to attend the 2024 TechAdvantage Conference, March 3 - 6 in San Antonio, TX?

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* 12. Would you recommend the TechAdvantage conference to your peers and colleagues?

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* 13. If you were recommending the TechAdvantage conference to your peers and colleagues, what would you say?

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* 14. What session topics and/or speakers would you be interested in for future TechAdvantage conferences ? Please be specific.

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* 15. If there was one thing you could do to make this a better event, what would it be?

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* 16. What are your primary areas of responsibility?  (check all that apply)

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* 17. How many years have you been with your current system?

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* 18. Would you be willing to allow NRECA to use your comments/feedback in future promotional publications (print and electronic)?