For those who weren’t able to attend the Public Information Centre on January 31, 2023 we encourage you to complete this brief 5 minute survey below.
Your feedback will help the Town formulate seasonal operating models and strategies in order to support pickleball players in Newmarket. Survey closes on Friday, February 17, 2023.

Question Title

* 1. Do you currently play pickleball?

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* 2. What seasons do you currently play pickleball? Summer (May to October)

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* 3. Would you prefer to play in the summer?

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* 4. Would you prefer to play in the winter?

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* 5. Do play indoors and/or outdoors in the winter months

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* 6. If you would prefer to play more often, why don’t you play more often?

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* 7. Would you join a Pickleball Club (similar to a tennis club) if one was available in Newmarket?

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* 8. If No, please check all that apply:

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* 9. Do you play other racquet/paddle sports (please list the sports you play)?

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* 10. Please feel free to share any comments about what you would like to see to assist with the growth of pickleball in Newmarket:

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* 11. If there is any additional feedback you would like to share, please email us at

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* 12. Name (Optional):

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* 13. Email Address (Optional):