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* 1. Please enter your name

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* 2. Where can I find how long each Half is for the age division I am refereeing?

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* 3. Law 4 the players equipment: Compulsory Equipment for an NYSA game includes?

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* 4. Law 5: The referee: A referee ensures a bleeding player leaves the field of play and are not allowed back on until the bleeding is stopped and blood is not on equipment. True or False?

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* 5. Assistant Referees duties are what of the following:

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* 6. The time for the half keeps running during a water break. True or False?

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* 7. How is a dropped ball restart conducted?

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* 8. Law 9 The ball in and out of play. In soccer when is a ball out of play?

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* 9. Law 11 Offside. True or False? A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched by a teammate is only penalized on becoming involved in active play by: interfering with play by playing or touching a ball. Interfering with an opponent or gaining an advantage by playing the ball or interfering with an opponent.

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* 10. Youth modification Build out line: When must the attacking team retreat behind the build out line?

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