Reconnecting to Our Waterways' Pleasant Run Creek Committee

Please help us do what is best for our community and take a minute to fill out this survey. 
The following is a list of items that My Christian Park Neighborhood Association and the many supporters have accomplished. We would like you to help us know what we should try to accomplish in the long term.

Question Title

* 1. Please rank what items you would like to see more of in the Christian Park Neighborhood, #1 being the most important to you and #10 for least important.

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* 2. We are looking for new community projects ideas, please select any of the below you think should move forward and share in of your own community project ideas under other.

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* 3. Are there any items you would be interested in working on?

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* 4. If you are interested in helping with any of these items, please provide your name and email. (Optional)

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* 5. What else should we know about your dreams for Christian Park and Pleasant Run?

Please tell us a little about yourself (Optional)

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* 6. Home Zip Code:

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* 7. Gender

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* 8. How do you describe yourself: (select all that apply)

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* 9. Age