About this opportunity:
LELAN is partnering with SA Health and Think Human to look at ways of improving peoples access and experiences of finding support and advice when they need it. For example, when you are distressed or struggling in parts of your life and would like to be connected to resources and supports available to you.

As part of this process LELAN is seeking feedback from participants from South Australia with a lived experience including having accessed one of the phone helplines available in South Australia such as
Mental Health Triage
ETLS (Emergency Triage and Liaison Service - Regional SA)
CAMHS connect (Child and Adolescent Mental Health)
Head to Health phoneline
LETTS (Lived Experience Telephone Support Service)

Your feedback will contribute to a better understanding of people's experiences when contacting helplines and how this point of contact can be improved to meet the needs of those seeking support.
This is a great opportunity for people with lived experience to directly shape how people might access support in the future.

How people with lived experience can get involved:

We are inviting people with lived experience to complete this survey. Participants will provide important insights from their own experiences of trying to find and access supports.
There is also an opportunity to provide more in-depth feedback via a one-to-one interview (Zoom or Phone) for 10 participants. Participants in one-to-one interviews will be remunerated with an honorarium payment of $40.

The Survey closes on Friday the 2nd of August

You have the option of completing this survey and/or booking a one to one online/phone interview (limited to 10 people) to provide feedback.

If you would like to provide feedback one to one with someone from LELAN via phone call or Zoom, please follow this link

About LELAN:

LELAN is the independent peak body in South Australia by, for and with people with lived experience of mental distress, social issues or injustice. Our purpose is to amplify the voice, influence and leadership of people with lived experience to drive systemic change. LELAN has led philanthropic, state and federally funded projects as well as completed commissioned pieces of work.

LELAN’s systemic advocacy targets the mental health and social sectors in South Australia, whilst ou

Please note that your responses below are used by LELAN to increase our understanding of who is engaging with our organisation, projects and work. As an organisation we are committed to including diverse perspectives and ensuring that various identities and experiences that people bring to the lived experience community are recognised. We will not disclose personal and/or identifying information about a person without their consent or in a way that they do not agree with. You have the option of providing no response if uncomfortable or unsure of disclosing this information, particularly for questions two and three.
Thank you for wanting to be involved in this work. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via info@lelan.org.au or 0431 953 526.

Question Title

* 1. Your details: Confirm you live in South Australia

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* 2. Some information about the way you personally identify (please tick as many as apply):

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* 3. Some information about your personal lived experience (please check as many as apply)

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* 4. Why are you interested participating in this survey

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* 6. If you have previously contacted one of the Helplines in South Australia which one was it

Question Title

* 7. How easy was it to find the number to the helpline you contacted

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* 8. How would you rate your experience when you contacted the helpline

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* 9. Are there any of the helplines available in South Australia that you would not contact

What would great look like

The next few questions ask you to imagine what an ideal contact point would look like if you were distressed or struggling and wanted to find support.

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* 11. How would you like to connect with this ideal contact point (you can select multiple)

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* 12. Is there a way of connecting with this ideal contact point that you would never use

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* 13. Is it important to you that this ideal contact point is available 24 hours and days 7 days a week

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* 14. If you were connecting with this ideal contact point, what would you want from it

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* 15. If you were contacting this service what would be the most important thing for you (Choose up to 3)

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* 16. What else would be important to you if you were connecting with this ideal contact point

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* 17. If you connected with this ideal contact point what would make it a good experience for you

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* 18. If you connected with this ideal contact point what would make it a poor experience for you

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* 19. Is there anything else you would like to add

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* 20. If you could suggest one radical or innovative idea for how to improve things for people experiencing mental distress, social issues or injustice in South Australia what would you suggest?

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* 21. A couple of final things