Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey, which focuses on the impact of children on the War in Gaza. Your input is invaluable to us as we strive to increase awareness and understanding of the Gaza Child Genocide, which started October 7, 2023, after an attack by Hamas that killed 39 Israeli children and included 36 child hostages being taken, 34 of whom have been released. Through this survey, we aim to gather insights into public awareness and perceptions regarding this ongoing tragedy, its impact on individuals and communities, and the effectiveness of prevention strategies. At this writing, it is estimated that 12,883 Palestinian children have been killed:

Gaza Children Killed by the IDF

Your responses will play a crucial role in shaping our educational and outreach efforts, helping us to inform better and support those affected by Genocide the world over. Please rest assured that all responses will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous. The survey should only take a 2 minutes to complete, and your honesty and candor are appreciated. FFI:

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* 1. Do you know someone who has lost a loved one 18 or older to the Gaza Genocide?

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* 2. Do you know someone who has lost a child to the Gaza Genocide?

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* 3. Have you lost a child to the Gaza Genocide?

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* 4. Were you aware that an estimated 12,883 Gaza children have been killed since Oct 7, 2023?

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* 5. Were you aware that an estimated 38 Israeli children have been killed since Oct 7, 2023 and that 2 remain as hostages?

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* 6. Were you aware that unguided, non-precision munitions have been dropped on children in Gaza, including 2000 lb. bombs?

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* 7. What is a single most important thing that could be done by the international community to protect the children of Gaza?