Question Title

Thank you for taking part in the Convenience Store Reader Survey 2015.

Convenience Store is your magazine and website, so we always like to make sure that you have the best opportunity to tell us about what we are doing right – and what we could be doing better.

Your views will play a major part in shaping the future development of Convenience Store, both in print and online, to help you stay at the top of your business and at the top of your game. As a thank you, one lucky respondent will win £150.
Thank you for your time.

David Rees,
Convenience Store

Thank you for taking part in the Convenience Store Reader Survey 2015.<br><br>Convenience Store is your magazine and website, so we always like to make sure that you have the best opportunity to tell us about what we are doing right – and what we could be doing better.<br><br>Your views will play a major part in shaping the future development of Convenience Store, both in print and online, to help you stay at the top of your business and at the top of your game. As a thank you, one lucky respondent will win £150.<br>Thank you for your time.<br><br>David Rees,<br>Editor<br>Convenience Store<br>