By Design: The Shaping of Nashville's Public Schools - Feedback

Thank you for watching our documentary 'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville's Public Schools.' We appreciate you providing feedback in the form below.
1.Where did you have the opportunity to view 'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville's Public Schools'?
2.Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
I learned something new from the film that I previously did not know.
'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville’s Public Schools' shows a fair representation of our city’s history.
'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville’s Public Schools' has inspired me to learn more and have conversations with my friends, families, coworkers, and others in my community. 
Projects such as 'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville’s Public Schools' are important for our city and schools.
3.Do you have any other feedback related to 'By Design: The Shaping of Nashville's Public Schools'?