Butner Visual Preference Survey Part 3:  Butner Town Center

Butner Town Center

The use of images may help you give us an idea of the kind of future you would like to see for the historic center of Butner along and adjacent to Central Avenue from roughly Town Hall to the National Guard Armory near I-85. 
1.Thinking about Central Avenue as Butner's "Main Street" please select the pictures that most closely align with your vision of how you'd like to see "Main Street Butner" look in the future. Leave the images you don't like, unchecked.
2.Thinking about your choices from the images in the previous questions, please share your thought about what you liked or didn't like about the images. Is there a place you like to visit that you think serves as a good model for Butner?
3.Thinking about Central Avenue from Town Hall/ Gazebo Park out to Lake Holt and other major residential streets.  Please select the pictures that most closely align with how you'd like to see this street and area of Butner look in the future. Leave the images you don't like, unchecked.
4.Thinking about your choices from the images in the previous questions, please share your thought about what you liked or didn't like about the images. Is there a place you like to visit that you think serves as a good model for Butner?
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0 of 4 answered