Your Community, Your Voice

Many thanks for agreeing to take part in this survey about leisure, activity and sporting facilities in the Buncrana area. We are seeking your views so that we can develop a strategy to improve the health and well-being of our community and to contribute to the future development of our town. It will take around 10 minutes of your time to complete and in return, you will be entered into a draw for a €100 voucher from Buncrana’s Chamber of Commerce. All of your answers are treated in strict confidence and your answers will not be identified individually and will only be reported in aggregated form.

We hope you will take a few minute to contribute to the development of our great little town. And when you are done please invite your family and friends to take part too.

Question Title

* 1. First of all can you please tell us if you live or spend a lot of time in the Buncrana area?

7% of survey complete.